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Community Voices

Of concern is the racism against Chinese and Asian people in New Zealand. Instances are on the rise since COVID-19 and are still happening.

COVID19 Website Banner

COVID-19 growing in New Zealand

New Zealand has moved to COVID-19 Alert Level 4. We want to reassure you that our top priority remains supporting ethnic communities.


Conversations with Aotearoa New Zealand’s Muslim Communities report

Check out the new report - Conversations with Aotearoa New Zealand's Muslim Communities.

Ming Chun

Spotlight on: Ming-Chun Wu

Ming-Chun Wu is an experienced public servant who has held several board positions for volunteer service organisations.


A little can go a long way: making a difference for communities

The latest round of the Ethnic Communities Development Fund opens today, supporting projects that grow the leadership and capability of ethnic groups.

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Enthusiastic response to Ethnic Communities Development Fund

The one-off $1 million contestable fund to strengthen communities affected by the Christchurch terror attacks has been popular ...


Additional Funding through Ethnic Communities Development Fund nearly fully allocated

The government made an additional $1 million available to fund projects to strengthen ethnic communities affected by the Christchurch terror attacks.

Vanushi Walters with her children and two other Board members

Spotlight on: Vanushi Walters

Vanushi Walters is an experienced international human rights solicitor and has been appointed as a Trustee of Foundation North.

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Additional funding for Ethnic Communities welcome news

Minister Jenny Salesa has announced that we will receive an additional $9.4 million in funding to boost our capacity and capability.

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