Work and Employment

Strengths Relative to the total population

Highly skilled and have high labour market engagement - unemployment is relatively low.

Labour force participation for women has been rising steadily over 10 years.

Job satisfaction and work-life balance is as good or better.

Challenges relative to the total population

Persistent pay gaps exist - gap now narrowing for Asian people.

Low representation in public sector leadership roles.

Employment barriers remain - e.g.: qualification recognition.

*The domain has improved overall from the baseline period.

*This domain is an overall area of strength.

Income Consumption and Wealth

Strengths Relative to the total population

Asian disposable income is now at the same level as European households.

Asian families have the lowest % of children living in a household experiencing material hardship.

Challenges relative to the total population

Notable increase in Asian net work - but their net work is only 1/3 of Europeans.

MELAA hosuehold disposable income is lower but has recently increased.

MELAA children have had the largest reduction in child poverty but a wide gap remains.

*The domain has improved overall from the baseline period.

*This domain is an overall area of strength.

Business Development

Strengths Relative to the total population

Ethnic business trade in high value exports - average export value almost double of NZ exports.

MELAA-owned businesses are more efficient.

Challenges relative to the total population

Business profits are growing - barriers could be unlocked to achieve their full potential.

Domestic ethnic businesses predominantly trade in lower margin industries.

*The domain has improved overall from the baseline period.

Health and Wellbeing

Strengths Relative to the total population

Overall report good physical health.

Low rates of daily smoking, hazardous drinking and illicit drug use.

Challenges relative to the total population

Mental health is an area of concern, less likely to seek help - further investigation required especially youth.

Face barriers to accessing healthcare servcies, cost, language, cultural perceptions and discrimination.

Asian people are falling behind in terms of physical activity.

*The domain has decreased overall from the baseline period.

*This domain is an domain is an overall area of strength at a smaller scale.

Knowledge, Education and Skills

Strengths Relative to the total population

Adults have the highest levels of education. Those born overseas are among the most educated in the OECD.

Are some of the country's top-performing students both nationally and compared to OECD nations.

Challenges relative to the total population

Young peoples' pathways are hindered by bias or lack of support in choosing subject or careers.

Research shows concerns around widespread experience of racist bullying and not belonging at school.

*The domain has improved overall from the baseline period.

*This domain is an overall area of strength.


Strengths Relative to the total population

Requires further investigation

Challenges relative to the total population

Lower than average home ownership rates, MELAA are one of the lowest - face bias and discrimination barriers.

Were disproportionately more likely to experience homelessness in 2018.

At least 50% of disposable income is spent on housing costs by Asian households.

*This domain shows no change from the baseline or there is no data since the baseline.

*This domain is an overall area of challenge.

Diversity and Inclusion

Strengths Relative to the total population

New Zealanders are generally accepting of diversity and welcoming of different ethnicities.

Asian people report high levels of life satisfaction.

Most migrants feel New Zealand provides satisfactory support.

Challenges relative to the total population

Experience high levels of racism and discrimination.

Asian people, especially youth, face challenges in expressing their identity.

*This domain shows no change from the baseline or there is no data since the baseline.

Connectedness and Belonging

Strengths Relative to the total population

Feel a sense of attachment to their ehtncity , to their neighbourhood and to New Zealand.

Those connected to faith groups report high levels of connectedness.

Challenges relative to the total population

Asian people have lower levels of social connectedness.

*This domain shows no change from the baseline or there is no data since the baseline.

*This domain is an overall area of strength at a smaller scale.

Engagement and Voice

Strengths Relative to the total population

Asian people have high levels of trust in government and government institutions.

Challenges relative to the total population

Under represented in local and national government, and government board appointments.

Have lower voting rates - some migrants are unsure of voting eligibility.

*The domain has improved overall from the baseline period.

*This domain is an overall area of challenge.

Justice and safety

Strengths Relative to the total population

Overall experience less personal and household crimes than average.

Have high trust in the New Zealand court system compared to all New Zealanders.

Challenges relative to the total population

Experience more prejudice and intolerance based crimes than average.

Asian people feel less safe, Ethnic Communities - slightly less likely to feel "completely safe" with their families.

Women who experience violence face additional barriers around seeking help or reporting abuse.

Recent migrants are less likely to have emergency plans and water or food for three days.

*The domain shows no change from the baseline or there is no data since the baseline.

Note: the direction from the baseline and areas of strength and challenges are indicative only - Ethnic Evidence report provides detail on 120 measures.

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