African Communities Forum Incorporated (ACOFI)
Our Vision: A dynamic fully integrated African Community that contributes to all sectors of New Zealand society.
African Communities Forum Incorporated is registered under The Incorporated Societies Act 1908. We are a not for profit organization for all people of African
origin living in New Zealand. The forum was formed in 2011 out of a need to effectively address the issues that affect and/or leverage the settlement and integration into New Zealand society of people from Africa. African communities make up a sizable number of the total population of ethnic communities in New Zealand. Within the Auckland region African people number 55,000, according to number registration amongst affiliated communities in 2010. The organization represents 54 countries on the African continent. The Forum's aim is to move towards more sustainable efforts that help build, strengthen, create diversity and sustain the growing numbers of its people. There is a need to strategically manage needs by working cohesively within all areas of expertise to achieve a more diverse, well equipped, well serviced and more contributory society.
Services offered: Governance, Advice and Advocacy in all matters related to African communities in Auckland
Community Services