In New Zealand, submissions are sometimes sought from the general public when changes are being made to policies or to legislation.
Submissions are requested to test public reaction and/or so that your views can be included in a new policy.
Sometimes discussion papers are released by government outlining the proposed changes, and usually they include a section which tells you when and where you can make a submission.
A closing date for submissions will be included. Sometimes a public announcement in the newspapers is made which includes when and where and by what date submissions are to be received. You may also be asked whether you want to appear in person to present an oral submission.
A submission is a way to present your views which may support or oppose the proposal.
It can be as short or as long as you like, in the form of a letter, or even a postcard.
Sometimes it can be sent by e-mail. (This depends on the instructions that have been given by the people responsible or the specific organisation).
A submission can be a detailed description of your opinion with supporting evidence or it can be quite simple. It is better to say why you support or oppose a proposal and to include any suggestions that might be helpful.
Don’t forget to sign the submission so people can read your signature. Several people can sign a submission if that is their preference.
Delivering your submission to the organisation responsible can usually be done by post, email, fax or hand delivered.
Guidelines on making a submission to a Parliamentary Select Committee.
More information about the Local Government council planning and consultation and processes.