Identifying the need for language support

Download our 'Which language do you use?" posters and flyer, which will help to determine the language support your customers may require.

About the resources

Some customers may require language support when accessing your services. However, it can often be difficult to determine which language they speak depending on their English proficiency.

The 'Which language do you use?' resources can be used to determine which language(s) your customers speak so you can then organise an interpreter for them. 

They cover 49 different languages, including ethnic community languages, Pacific languages, and New Zealand Sign Language. 

We created these resources with the support of:

  • The Ministry for Pacific Peoples
  • Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People
  • The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
  • The Department of Internal Affairs


Download the resources

The posters can be downloaded, printed and displayed, or the flyers can be printed and distributed to communities. 

Download the 'Which language do you use?' posters

Download the 'Which language do you use?' flyer 

MEC Interpreting eLearning

eLearning for public servants

We have developed eLearning modules for public servants who are likely to work with people with whom they do not share a language. It provides training to better understand the role of interpreters, how to access them, and how to use them.

You can access these through the Leadership Development Centre's Core Learning Hub, or the files can be requested and uploaded to your agency's Learning Management System by contacting

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